Bata Shoe museum in Toronto
(too old to reply)
2006-07-21 16:37:37 UTC
The most exiting place that I've visited recently is Bata shoe museum
in Toronto.
You can't afford to miss the most impressive museum for shoes when come
to Toronto.You can see there the treasures of North America's unique
shoe museum which houses the Bata family's 10,000-item collection. The
Museum celebrates the style and function of footwear in four impressive
galleries. Artifacts on exhibit range from Chinese bound foot shoes and
ancient Egyptian sandals to chestnut crushing clogs and glamorous
platforms. Over 4,500 years of history and a collection of 20th century
celebrity shoes are reflected in the semi-permanent exhibition - All
about Shoes. Three other galleries feature special exhibitions. For
more details visit: http://womens-shoes.blogspot.com
2006-07-21 16:43:25 UTC
Sorry http://womens--shoes.blogspot.com
Post by P.S.
The most exiting place that I've visited recently is Bata shoe museum
in Toronto.
You can't afford to miss the most impressive museum for shoes when come
to Toronto.You can see there the treasures of North America's unique
shoe museum which houses the Bata family's 10,000-item collection. The
Museum celebrates the style and function of footwear in four impressive
galleries. Artifacts on exhibit range from Chinese bound foot shoes and
ancient Egyptian sandals to chestnut crushing clogs and glamorous
platforms. Over 4,500 years of history and a collection of 20th century
celebrity shoes are reflected in the semi-permanent exhibition - All
about Shoes. Three other galleries feature special exhibitions. For
more details visit: http://womens--shoes.blogspot.com